Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wow! So little blogging on my part, and so many changes to report! What happened to the coast and plush greenery? It's been replaced by huge mountains, rock formations and sunshine! Yes, I have up and done it again! I swore off moving but here I am with a new zip code and a new city map. As Martha Stewart would report "it's a good thing". I am equiped with a song in my heart and enjoying that melody. Here I am safe and sound... tucked into a beautiful town house feeling like I princess. Next thing on the list... makes some friends and plug into my new community. Hmmmm..... think I'll start with a diet Pepsi at the mini mart down the street. I'll keep you posted.


Chelita Benavidez said...

Hope your having fun in Colorado I miss talking to you maybe I'll have to call you soon Do you know your instant message name yet. Anyways we are doing well we will be moving soon. Well hope to talk to u soon

Chell said...

Hey glad to see a new blog up, I need to get back in the swing of things, just not much to report...