Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bring on the Slim Fast!

While sitting in Fred Meyers and eating a pastry, accompanied by a diet Coke I scanned through an article written in USA Today on the subject of obesity in America. As if the pastry I had just consumed alone wasn't glazed with enough guilt. Expecting the article to be the typical ho hum and encouragement to put the pastry down, I read on. I was surprise to find a new take on the subject. The article suggested that our infulences around us would statistically predict who was or was not going to be over weight. In ther words, If I am a fatty my family will have more of a tendency to be fat. What surprised me though is that the influence did not stop there. It suggested that it did not matter how far away the friends I associated with were. They could be five miles or five thousand miles away. If they had a tendency to be obese, I would be influenced to to gain weight. If they were to lose weight I to would be encouraged to lose weight. The writer suggested that we choose our friends wisely when it comes to eating habits. Hmmmm..... The question that I couldn't help but to ponder??? Which one of you is going to pick up the jogging habit first?


CP Rambo said...

Interesting reading... not sure I take stock in what these "studies" say but still interesting. Now as far a jogging HA I hope your not looking at me! I am trying the "eat less move around more" diet myself....

artbylorraine said...

I guess that means that you got your tendency to gain weight from your mommy and I got it from my mommy, no? He He HE....

CP Rambo said...

I got my tendency to gain wait from "Chef Boyardee" and "Kraft" ... hmmmm please tell me my "real" parents are not food manufacturers.... AHHHHHHHHHH. (oh feel free to correct my spelling)

Shalome said...

Giggle giggle... Cheff Boyardee.. lol! The world it truely a brighter place with you in it Dusty one! As for the Pillsbery Dough Boy, him... I could do without!