Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's A Hairy Debate....

This morning my eleven year old son and I revisited and ever evolving debate. My well rehearsed "mom speech" spontaniously applied itself with it's typical motherly enthusiasm of "no, you may not get a tatoo, pierce or put any holes in and body parts." It of course evoked the all to farmiliar melodious tune of an eleven year old whining which was sure not to help his case. Today however, he dropped the bar when he presented the issue at hand with "mom, I want a mohawk." Yes, a favorie for those of us whose laugh lines point to the all to farmiliar era of Aqua Net, studded bracelets, white washed jeans, the Rocky Horror Picture Show and let us not forget our favorite, the woman who sang about her virginity while pleasuring herself on stage. Ahhh the 80's. For those of us who understand that once this era has been visited, it never truely leaves you. It lives deep inside earning citizenship among those who know who George Michael is, will always remember the little red hats of the "Safety Dance" or can take the stage with the steps to "Thriller." To those of you who know her, we are also farmiliar with the fact that this eleven year old boy's mother is known to sing to her own tune and is no straner to nor would she object to the thought of "let's see what happens when we put glue in our hair," but here we are. It is 2007 and I am being revisited from the past. I've presented his case. His voice has been heard. What do you think? Would you allow your eleven year old to have a mohawk?


CP Rambo said...

Oh let the kid have a Mohawk! Look what it did for me! As a matter of fact it was my awesome Mom who gave me my first Mohawk in the downstairs bathroom with the electric clippers! Amen but then I am biased ... perhaps I am trying to relive the glory days through others exploits!!! Nah By the way where did he get the idea?

Chell said...

Well that is a tough call.. I mean hair grows back, and at least he wasn't asking for a bright pink mowhawk like a certain guy named Paul once had..... But then again do you want your kid ending up like that same certain Paul person. Nah seriously a mohawk isn't such a big deal, just take lots of pictures to embarrass him with later.... Thats what mom's are for, let them do silly things then laugh at them later for it...