Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
"Warm wooly mitten and soft fuzzy kittens... these are a few of my favorite things...." This the song that was interrupted by the sharp little teeth that just chomped down on my ankle!" Here she is... Little Dnya. Oooooh don't let the innocent expression on this fuzzy, little, flea hopper fool you! Our house once invaded by her introduction of fleas, has now been taken over by some crazed, hopping tasmanian devil! A.K.A Dyna.... She's been here only a few weeks and it is good that she has these "cute" moments that steal our hearts! I'm becoming all to used to my new "kitty tattoos" and rather fond of Dyna as my new hair accesory! I am addapting to sleeping with a pillow on my head to prevent the unexpected lion like attacks that randomly occur as one has just found a comfortable r.e.m. pattern. Even with our new fish breathed accrobat invasion... she still provokes and "ahhhhh....." Who could pass this face up?
Friday, August 24, 2007
I Scream you scream we all scream for ice cream!
Oregon is finally over 80 degrees and bursting with sunshine! Wouldn't you know it... the local ice cream man is in full swing with plenty of sweaty faced children seeking popsicles! Once again his selected tune to encourage ice cream consumption is ringing through the streets. "We wish you a Merry Christmas....." and let us not leave out "Dashing through the snow...." How does this man ring in his New years or celebrate the holidays I wonder? Does a family gather around the tree and sing "I've got sunshine... on a cloudy day...." or mayb a little Louie Armstrong.. Ah.. perfect.. "I see skies of blue... red roses to...". I'ts people like the ice cream man who unintentionally put a smile on ones face... even if they are serving up more then popsicles. So, here is a hats off and a toast to you Mr. Ice Cream Man for making the day a little more then sweet .
Friday, August 17, 2007
Flea Hopper....
Report from the flea hopper A.K.A DYNA: "It'a a fantastic day in the neighborhood!" The sky is blue and the jar... full of skittles! Ahhhh... isn't she precious? Looks like you'll be seeing more of me.... he he he. Ms. Left of Center... she's got a new toy thanks to the other lobe! Watch out world.... SMILE... and don't forget to say CHEESE!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Plastic People....
"It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all...." I can clearly visualize the little, plastic people. Their large eyes emphasizing the painted on and polished smiles. Each movement a monotonous and clearly predictable template of the last. Their deaf ear completely inanimate to the world around them. Each country represented by it's cutely pollished figures contained within it's own whimsical environment. Being an on looker within this ride's little world, I always wanted to climb out of the boat and away from the certainty of the boats predictably fixed course. The subject's intentions are clear and neatly arranged with precision. I often imagined escaping from the boundries of my boat onto the little islands and what I would do once there? Perhaps my intentions were to get a mere close up of these quaint little plastic people? More often then not, my thoughts were fixed on the idea of rearranging their little worlds. I often wondered what the onlookers would think if they were to approach the ride and see the cute little dutch girl hanging out with a member of the Motley Crue or the Chinese little boy dressed in drag and singing to a beat of his own? Don't get me wrong, I am all for the encouragement of a world where everyone can sing in unity. What I find myslef perplexed by is the accepted tune we all appear subconsciously assingned and expected to fit within. We all hear the tune. Everyone seems happy as long as the plastic little people all line up in neat little rows. I find that the song is unanimous as long as we stick to it's notes. But what if the little drummer boy was smiling because he heard a different tune? Maybe there is something more within the small world of this ride? What if for once we climbed out of our predictable boat and listened to the tune? Within that tune and amongst the line up of smiling faces is a voice to be heard. It may be unpredictable or in a different language but it's desire is to be heard all the same. Can we be capeable of hearing more then one tune? Or will we settle with the monotony of it's repeated verse turning our deaf ear to it?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
For My "Dusty Play Mate"
Leaves of orange, leaves of yellow, bold and bright dancing with delight.
Softly swaying. Harmoniously playing. Music to my ponderoud mind.
Leaves of season without apparent reason take the stage in the morning light.
Perched on trees until a calming breeze sends them hovering high above.
Floating free, come down and dance with me as we play without a bother in mind.
A beautiful pageant, shimmering bright glowing with the morning light.
A carefree playmate of leisure, welcomed for the short season
dips and twirls what a spectacular sight!
A dance once for two have added anew
leaves from all over the once silent neighbor hood.
A spectacular ball fit for a queen
with embellishments built on imagination and daydreams.
Blissfully floating, dancing, delighting.
An artistic display keeps me running away with my wandering immagination.
Friday, August 10, 2007
You told me not to leap from star to star
Said to take the subway instead of my car
You hustle and bustle with the rest
Ignoring the answers to past the test
Love one another wasn't your game
You made disciples of your very own name
Lost little man in this very big place
Eating ice cream never taking a taste
Telling the sun it shouldn't shine
Asking the pigeons if they know the time
They look like you
all clones of the same
with leaches for pets bearing fancy names
Your mother would shake in her very own grave
seeing the monster that's come to play
Lost little man
thinks he's the one
bright enough to steal my sun
Lost little man in this very big place
Never knowing life
Never taking a taste
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Circus Cookies....
CHA CHING! CHA CHING! CHA CHING! Ahhh... the all to farmiliar sound, not of a slot machine's pay of but of the clanking grocery cart which reasonably appears to still wobble about on it's three wheels instead of four. "Welcome to Wallmart" enthusiastically stated by the blue vested indvidual who is watching the clock for shift's ends. My son hates Wallmart. It's noise, bright lights and the screaming megaphone children who seem to be very common to the Wallmart experience. On some days I would agree with him. Today however on one of my senceless and aimless bouts to the well adventured local Wallmart, I saw more then the "Smiley yellow faces" offering the ever so popular "lower prices." Perhaps the journey started with the chinese woman next to me who was carrying on a cell phone conversation that sounded more like the clang and clatter of one of my previously owned delapidated vehicles? Maybe it was the well bronzed fellow who wore the permanately inked "Brown Pride" across his body while proudly holding his brand new baby and walking with it's pale skinned, blonde haired blue eyed mother? Wallmart seems to contain more then it's promise of low prices. At any given moment you can find a wealth of experiences to be had. Some sights are well farmiliar like the hefty gal who seemed to not only have forgotten enough clothing to cover her well rounded figure but allso seemingly left her manners at home to. There are also the well groomed young men who are sure not to be missed by the trail of cologne waiting to entice some young and unexpecting female that passes by. Beyond the faces and the people the treasures they collect in those clanging carts can be rather interesting also. Perhaps one could make a quick assumption into their world by the contents of their carts? There is the nice looking young man who has carefully sellected an array of freezer goods... quick and easy to prepare. To be functionally enjoyed with his chosen pop beverage. I assume he is single at the easily prepared contents he collects. There is the gal down the freezer aisle who in my mind is sure to have gone through a recent break up of a loved one by the sweet and abundant collection of frozen arrangements placed in her cart. Her posture relaying that the sweets aren't that inticing. Her down cast head stares dissappointed at the ground perhaps collecting more ice cream then she would on any other day? Today was like most days. Perhaps my perspective was jaded at my consideration of purchasing the pink and white animal cookies... you know... the ones with little, colorful sprinkes on the top? Maybe it was that today I had no time restrictions and was able to appreciate the quietness within myself amongst the usual chaotic establishement? It could have been the smiling elderly woman who needed help reaching the can at the top shelf? To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure what it was that entertainingly captured my attentions so well today in Wallmart. I guess it could be that in everything there is a Wallmart experience to be had. We could listen to the clang and clatter of the world around us or put the pink and white animal cookies in our carts. Guess it all depends on our perspective. It could be that my Wallmart trip is a mere reflective from one who was in her own strange and of beat world today? Whatever it be, if I could share my Wallmart experience with you today, my hope... Is that along your way even in the mundane today, you picked up the pink and white animal cookies. The ones with the little colorful sprinkles on top.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
More Bananas....
Out and about one day on a casual afternoon drive, I was captivated by some rather large windows. These windows appearning on the front of some town houses in a neighborhood that overlooked the city below. "For Sale" sounded like a reasonable invite. These windows on the town houses were grand and I'm sure offered a clear and beautiful perspective of the city below. Although I was not in the market to purchase any property my curiosity enticed me to come in. There was a bold and large surrounding metal gate that ran the length of the town house's perimeter met by a high and solid brick wall that allowed no visibility to the property within its borders. I approached the gate in my old and "hand" painted car (litterally for those who remember this page in my journey) whose make and model were so unimportant that I can't recall it anymore. I was met by a well pressed and suited man whose title said "security". I smiled and offered a warm and friendly greeting. I was surprised when he firmly asked me to turn my vehicle around making it clear that I was not welcomed nor invited behind the gates. I cooperatively pulled away feeling a bit rejected by this man and his quick assumptions. None the less, I headed back down the road along the length of its high brick walls. We are all alot alike as individuals. We are strong and independent. We put up large walls surrounding ourselves evaluating the world around us and those who approach our gates. I'm quite certain that these town houses would have been beautiful as property goes, but I couldn't help but to question those windows looking out over the city. Would the perspecitve look any different from behind the gates? Aren't we all the same at times? Do we not all desire the safety of these borders? Are our borders to keep others at a distance away from our safe place or to keep us in from the world on the other side of the fence? I gather that the walls and fences will always be a part of our society and nature. Yes, many views are available, but I don't believe that it matters which side of the gate you are on. Instinct tells me our desires are all the same. We all want the security of that guard that turns away intruders and ivites the welcomed guests in. It is my hope though that this well pressed and suited man knows me well enough to desiphre who to open the gates for, whom to close it and that he will not turn someone away on quick assumptions.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Bananas from Tonya's brain...
I have this ever nagging request within me the majority of my days to seek out adventure, freedom and the unknown. It's usually a welcomed and perpetual whisper that stirs inside of me. On other occasions though this whisper, although intoxicating can become squashing. It's a reminder that no matter how hard I may try to break free from the society I live in and it's demands, they are ever present and at times smothering. I find that there are those occasions where I become "stuck" in this life like a fly on sticky paper. The voice is hushed and lost amongst the noisy crowd of "have to's and musts" that fill my agenda. Ignored, these whispers soon follow with shouts to slow down or to just "be" still, reminding me to appreciate the moment. Some of these demands are not always my own. They may require my time or efforts, perhaps for a bigger purpose then myself? None the less, they'll still mask the longing to follow my heart and to find my much loved freedom. Thoreau once said that "men labor under mistake. Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake are so occupied with the factitious cares and superflously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them." I'm well aware that my bank account will not find me this freedom no matter it's ballance. The brand of running shoes I place upon my feet will not give me this entitlement either. Although something I enjoy, neither my travel destinations, my kayak nor my random collection of CD's will sufice. These are not the "fruits" or freedoms in my life that I cherish. This freedom I seek and long for is a gift. It's a gift that I already have. It's understanding the value of my faith and the freedom that comes with it. It's sharing a cherished moments of good company with another. It's the joy found in an e-mail from a long lost friend. It's these "plumbs in my life that wake up the soul freeing my wings from it's sticky paper. It's the adventure of knowing that the fruit is there and available for it's taking. Adventure awaits for me around every corner. It matters not the demands of my day or the places they may bring me to. I'ts simply a matter of seeing the fruit trees in my life and knowing which of these fruits is the sweetest pick.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
What year is it?
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Toll Free?
The mere existence of this ringing device both pleases and annoys me! My home is no different then any other when it comes to the usage of a tool well known as the "Telephone." When thought about, it is a rather unique and interesting object. We string lines of wire across our cities like spaghetti for the ammusement of what? Us as meat balls? We carry cell phones to allow for our ever increasing mobility. We can be reached on mountain tops, across sea, in war zones and even while locked up or incarcerated. We view our phones as a "freedom". It doesn't matter where we are. We could be five miles away or five thousand and yet we have connection. We have call waiting, caller I.D., phones in our restrooms on our planes. Just about any where we can imagine. We desire this availability! In my own home, my phone bill costs more then my necessities like power or water. It is a service that I voluntarily pay a hefty bill for. What I find most entertaining though is that the telephone also has the ability to bring great joy or a complete dread at the sound of it's ringing. Maybe I should not admit this publicly but what becomes puzzling is that my calls are rarely answered. Yes, I admit that the majority of my callers find their way to "the answering machine." Rarely do I return calls. I screen through what I desire to answer or not to. The sales calls always ditched, the bill collectors to. A cherished few will recive a call back from me, some with a timely responce others may take longer. I am sure to pay my telephone bill monthly to be sure that my service is guaranteed. I want to know that the phone is available, accessable and here at all times as it seems other do also. Why is that? Why do we makes ourselves so accessable yet at the same time so unaccessable? Does it make us feel better to collect callers as though we are collecting votes? Does it make us feel loved and appreciated to see another reach out and seek to call on us? Maybe it is something bigger? Maybe it's the anticipation of that one special call to come? A caller like Ed McCmahn or maybe a lost love or a future friend? Maybe that one special call is different to each of us? What ever it be I am continually marvled at the capeabilities of this ringing in my ear. So, I will continue to put the check in the mail for another month of service. Even if it does make me feel like a meat ball.
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