In my continued search to firm the fanny and evict the unwelcomed chubby girl who took up residence, I broadened my horizons and listened to the little voice within. I'ts not that I hate the little voice of the chubby girl, after all, she has been there along side me through some really tough times. She's brought me ice cream cones when the day had been stressful and long. She seems to have an extensive knowledge of sweets, pastries and even Del Taco. At times I had even considered her a friend. I guess I can't say that she hasn't been there for me. However, over the last few months I've come to the conclusion that the relationship has not been working. Somewhere inside I think she sat on the my favorite resident! I could not allow that! He's been a very faithful resident for years and I am very fond of him. I almost didn't hear his tiny, little voice pleaing to be set free from the chubby girl who was squishing him! I hate to think of what could have happened to him had I not heard his faint voice in the nick of time! The good news was that he was rescued! The chubby girl has been sent an eviction notice and the once squashed little voice has been given back his well deserved and native home. I am finding now as he settles back in that his voice is gaining it's strength back. Today in agreement with that little voice within I joined a gym. I want to keep in my memory and maybe even somewhere in the back up files how fantastic it felt to give freedom to the things I enjoy. There are those along the way who have never understood my passion for iron or my excitement in putting numerous miles in on a treadmill, but for whatever the reason that passion inside ignites when I find myself feeding my interests and desires. I can not express how joyful and liberating it was to feel completely at peace with myself and amongst those dumbells today. I want to remember when days get tough and schedules compete for my time and attention that I am worth me following my heart and the things that bring me joy. Stay tuned for day two when the endorphins wear off and the sore muscles and lactic acid sets in. To be continued.....
Congrats on joining a gym. I have wanted to do that for a while but I really can't afford it right now and I would only be able to go maybe twice a week... Good luck to you!!
Ten dollars a month girlfriend! Can you believe it? No contract either! Yup... joining the ranks of the early morning crowd. That way I'm done before T is even awake. Can't beat that!
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