Thursday, July 10, 2008


Who ever it was that said yoga creates a sence of calm and serentiy obviously never attempted yoga with a 12 year old boy in the house. I'd swear that my son has yoga radar. It's just like the well know fact that kids know when you are on the phone and they will choose that precise moment to interrupt. I can clear the house and find myself alone with my thoughts... ahhhhh... one would think it is the perfect time to drag out the yoga DVD's! It never seems to fail that just as soon as I am twsted into some very compromising position, sweat running down my face and my wobbly bits are up in the air- in walks not only my son but the audience of several other pre teens ready for the show. Today it was my resolve that no matter what... I as not going to let my blood pressure rise or be bothered by my audience. I must tell you it is a humbling experience to attempt yoga with the audience of tweens. I was hoping today to report some new found technique or a plan for those of you facing my same challenge but after attempting my practice and seeking calm I not only had my audience, but a cat hanging from my pony tail, someone knocked on the door four different times, the neighbor showed up and the phone was left ringing. Sorry... I'm still in search of the serenity????

1 comment:

Chell said...

Oh how fun for you to have a bynch of preteens for an audience!!