Monday, July 7, 2008


Kudos to Dara Torres Olympic swimmer who encouraged me to climb a few more stairs today! When I read that 40 year old Dara Torres was going against the opinions of her critics and was training to secure her ticket to Bejing I couldn't help but to hear the little girl within yell whooo hooo! Despite the questions of her age and the fact that she is a mother raising a small infant she is aiming towards Bejing. She reminded me to hush those critcs and aim as high as you can see. Go for the gold! Kudos Dara! You encouraged me to climb a few extra flight of stairs today!


Chell said...

I saw that story whiel I was visiting my cousin and both of us were cheering at the TV for her. How wonderful for her.
Hope you are well!!

Shalome said...

Cool! Didn't see the program or I would have been cheering to! I have a magazine article of her hanging on my wall for inspiration. Very cool! Anyone know if she made the team? Last I read she was going to try out.